Found 3 geocaches (geocaching) in Unst and the only one in Yell today. Long hill walk to the first one on Hermaness, didn't go on to find the puffins but saw a couple of gannetries and Britain's most northerly rock. John took a route new to him on Hermaness so I could find the geocache and niether Craig or I had been there before - took a geocache to get me there! The location of the Yell geocache was also new territory to all of us.
Muckle Flugga Lighthouse, view from Britain's most northerly geocache:
Gannetry (each white dot is a gannet):
Signs of a dry summer, this peaty pool is dry and the peat exposed and cracked:
Fern unfolding at Hermaness:
Burrafirth Beach, Unst:Ex- RAF Skaw, site of a geocache:Stored at Skaw in a bunker - amazing what you find at the top of a hill!:Bobby's Bus Stop, site of a geocache:Craig playing what has to be the largest percussion instrument I have seen! Very tuneful, brass pies cut to length and fixed into the boat:View from Yell's only (as yet) geocache:
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Photo Fest - School Trip to Mousa
We went to the island of Mousa on our school trip. Mousa is now uninhabited but contains the world's best preserved pictish broch and some great wildlife. We went with a guide from the field studies trust and had a great time exploring - including climbing the internal staircase to the top of the 42' broch.
Young Arctic Skua (Shetland name Scootie Alan)