Sunday 15 August 2010

It's been a busy week here, last week of the school holidays so back to work tomorrow. :-(

Spent a good bit of this weekend at the peat hill. The dogs came too and Jake in particular had a ball - there is a wet spot at the bottom of the bank that fills in and is very boggy - he loves it and heads straight for it. This means our mainly white dog rapidly turns very dark brown. Yeuck! Packing the dry peats into bags to transport them home was the job this weekend and it took 215 bags to do the job. We are hoping this will be enough for our winter fuel for the stove we now have in our living room, but time will tell. We do have some wood as well.

The peats became a family affair. Kirsty was helping me yesterday but her sore toe (she injured it going to the clothes line on Wednesday, may be broken but is very bruised and she has split her nail open from top to bottom!) meant she had to go home after a while - she made the tea to compensate though! ;-) Dad came out the the hill today with sandwiches to keep us going and stayed to help fill a few bags and my sister Melanie and her daughter Chloe arrived in time to help tidy up the last bits (great timing!). John barrowed all the bags down to the road, taking them across the ditch on a scaffolding plank! I could hardly walk across it, never mind push a barrowload of peats over it!

50 bags came home yesterday, and the rest are waiting at the side of the road for a lift - the pick-up John borrowed lost it's brakes as it came into here yesterday! Hopefully he will borrow something from work tomorrow.

Meanwhile, a glass of wine and some crochet are the order of the evening and I think my back will need the Pilates class tomorrow night!

1 comment:

  1. Does a wet peaty dog smell any better than a wet muddy dog?? Howz the crochet going??
